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Update Your Raw Material Risk Assessment Today

Update your Raw Material Risk Assesment Now!

With the new iComplai Raw Material Risk Assessment Report for 2023 you can quickly update your raw material risk assessment, including the warnings for predicted issues.

What does the report include?

Food Safety Risks:

Explore the comprehensive landscape of food safety risks to ensure a secure and reliable food supply chain.

Emerging Risks in Raw Materials:

Identify and address potential challenges arising from new and evolving risks associated with raw materials.

Anomalies - Unusually High Occurrences in Risk and Raw Materials:

Investigate anomalies and abnormally high occurrences in both risks and raw materials, employing proactive measures for mitigation.

Food Fraud Risks:

Safeguard against deceptive practices by staying vigilant and implementing strategies to combat food fraud risks.

Predictions about Future Emerging Risks:

Stay ahead of the curve with insights into anticipated future risks, allowing for proactive risk management and prevention.

AI-Powered Predictions:

Harness the power of artificial intelligence for cutting-edge predictions, utilizing advanced technology to foresee and manage potential food safety risks.

Pesticide Predictions for Raw Materials:

Analyze and predict pesticide-related risks associated with raw materials, ensuring the safety and integrity of the food supply chain.

Major 10 Suppliers of Each Raw Materials:

Gain a competitive edge by understanding and collaborating with the major 10 suppliers of raw materials in each industry, including their quality history.

Most Frequently Occurring Emerging Risks:

Focus on addressing the most frequently occurring emerging risks, tailoring strategies for maximum impact on risk reduction.

Most Risky Regions in Normalized Form:

Evaluate risk factors in different regions, presented in normalized form for a comprehensive understanding and targeted risk management.

Request a quote today.